• 职位名称:CQE工程师(一名)
  • 公司介绍
工作地点 : 广东中山 招聘期限 : 一个月(2023年3月10日起)
学    历 : 大专 工作经验 : 不限
年    龄 : 不限 性    别 : 不限
薪    资 : 面议
职位要求:1. Understand the quality requirement from customer and transfer it to internal quality specification and limited sample, to make sure good implementation of quality control plan related with customer quality.

2. Train the related staffs and operators to familiar to the customer quality requirement, timely communicate the quality issues in customer side to internal team.

3. As a window to customer, coordinate internal team to handle the customer complaints, find the root cause and make out effective corrective and preventive action. Timely response customer and monitor the implementation of the corrective and preventive action.

4. Assist the QA Manager to handle the customer audits.

5. Follow up the issues from customer during audit and provide corrective action to customer. Verify the effectiveness of the corrective action.

6. Participate in the quality assessment at NPI stage to make sure a smooth mass production.

7. Other duties assigned by the management team..





CCL Design中山公司坚持以人为本,重视员工的成长与发展。提供良好的工作环境,和谐的工作氛围,具有竞争力的工资福利待遇。上班按照劳动法实行五天八小时工作制,为员工购买全额五险一金及意外险,享有法定节假日及其它公司福利假。另公司将提供工作餐、房补、通讯补贴、节假日礼品、旅游等。欢迎有识之士加入我们的团队!


欢迎有识之士加入我们的队伍!简历投递邮箱 deanzhou@cclind.com

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  • 无论是打电话还是发邮件,请您清晰地表述应聘的职位名称,并说明招聘信息来源于模切网http://www.moqie.com,这样将会获得更好的效果。